Custom shaker bottles help build muscle mass

Many fitness enthusiasts want to know when to drink protein. Knowing when to drink a protein drink can help maximize results. To answer this question, you must first learn how protein works.


Protein is only for one thing - to help build muscle mass. It isn't meant to do build up energy or fat for the body. Many sports enthusiasts drink shakes to help build strength, boost metabolism, and in turn, boost performance. For the average individual, drinking protein in your custom shaker bottle can help one to lose weight faster since a higher metabolic rate can help burn fat faster. For most of us, losing weight is the goal. So let's focus on how to utilize custom shaker bottle to help lose more weight.


Why must we build lean muscle mass when we are trying to lose weight? You see, lean muscle mass increases your metabolic rate, and allow you to burn fat at a much faster rate. This is the reason why your metabolism slows as you age. The young can eat a lot more without putting on weight. And they tend to burn fat faster when they exercise.


To boost metabolism, all you have to do is to stimulate muscle growth. You do that by engaging in resistance training. In other words, hit the gym at least 3 times a day! When you are at the gym, note that all you are achieving is to stimulate muscle growth. Your muscles don't grow while you are working out. Muscles grow only after your workout. So when do you think it's a good time to drink your protein in your custom shaker bottle? That's right. It makes sense to drink your protein right after your workout. In fact, there is abundant research showing that athletes get better results when they consume protein immediately after working out.


The idea is to stimulate muscle growth by working out, and then feeding the body with adequate nutrition. Since muscle building is the goal here, protein becomes the nutrition to focus on. Of course, you don't have to get all your protein from shakes. In fact, it's not advisable and can be harmful to health. You should acquire protein from other foods sources as well. Food rich in protein include eggs, white meat, lean red meat, soy beans, and tofu.


Finally, don't forget that buying protein shakes at the gym can be costly. If you are trying to save money, then buy your own whey protein powder and make your own shakes. Look for one that doesn't leak. Prepare the protein shaker bottle and bring the bottle along with you to the gym. After the workout, consume the protein immediately.